
Join me as I share my love affair with scrapbooking... layouts, cards & projects I have on the go.


~ buzzzzzzz ~

For those of you who know me, being up at 12:30 a.m. is VERY unusual. My visitors brought me some Timmy's and it was caffinated... I'm still buzzed. {thank you! it was yummy.}

So, for the past hour I've worked/played with my paint program {i don't do or have photoshop} and came up with a new header for my blog, I've updated my website classes page, and I've actually watched my hubby fall asleep on the couch {as a new mom & a woman who loves her sleep, I'm in bed as soon as lulu is asleep}.

While updating my website, I created a little club... Mommy's Scrap Club.
We'll meet once a month to get together and scrapbook, organize enough to scrapbook or just enjoy an evening out with other who understand us. I do a few play groups and I'm always being asked to bring my scrapbook stuff for future playdates. I figure that, although we love our children/pets/family, we'd also love an evening, free of distractions, to be creative and scrapbook. We start in April 2008, let me know if you'd like to join us!

Okay... I'm starting to get cold and shake from this caffine. I'm heading to bed now.
Talk to ya later,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, just curious if you're still doing this? I am on LIITD too, what's your nick on the board?