
Join me as I share my love affair with scrapbooking... layouts, cards & projects I have on the go.


flocked it & loved it!

Hi y'all,

So, I've been planning my new classes for this coming fall & I had to try flocking. I bought some at Michael's in the $1.50 bins (along with some very sparkly stickers) and because they came in a package of 4,  I bought a whole range of colours. (see below)

Yesterday, I had a very creative friend of mine over & we played. :)  Here is my favourite layout of the summer... (yet another fabulous sketch from Miss Higgins!)

{title in portuguese: great-grandparents}

As you can see I tried flocking on the edges of the flower centres, and the little stamped image of the family tree. For both embellishments I used a glue pad for the adhesive.

The edges of the cirlces were slid through the the pad and then throught the flocking. It created a soft edge to the centres that I love.

I then tried to add the same softness to the little tree I had stamped earlier on the page. I used a toothpick and the stamp pad.

As soon as I had finished outlining the image with the adhesive I poured the flock directly on the image & softly spread the flocking around. The flocking stuck to the image & came off the rest of the page easily.

I really love this stuff. I will be using it a lot for the rest of the summer!
Has anyone else used it?   How did it go for you?

Happy scrappin',

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