
Join me as I share my love affair with scrapbooking... layouts, cards & projects I have on the go.


Get Organized Challenge!

Alright Ladies & Gents,

The new year is upon us & it's time for those pesky resolutions...okay they're not pesky, but they can become pesky. :)

Anyways, one of the best ways to stay positive and follow through with your resolutions is to make shorter timelines and focus on one goal at a time.

So as a renovating home owner, business oriented scrapbooker, grade 7 teacher & mom, I've always got a lot on the go; and like me you probably have an enourmous amount of digital photos on your hard drive. So here's our 1st challenge for the year...

Challenge #1 for 2011: Organize the photos on your hard drive...

Step 1: Take a picture of your montior showing your harddrive before your start this task. It'll be your Before Picture.  Post it on our Facebook gallery labelled Challenge #1 or post a link in the comments back to your blog where you have posted your picture.

Step 2: You can start the challenge by simply placing all of your photos from the year 2010 into a new folder called 2010. 

Once that is accomplished you can breath easy and go in one of two directions... either create folders for other years to complete the clean up of your hard drive in general or continue with the 2010 folder and complete it in its entirety before moving on to preivous years.

The choice is yours, and the only recommendation I have is to chose one direction and to complete it. By diong this you'll achieve a great sense of accomplishment and completeing the task and you'll give yourself a boost into moving forward with your organization.

Steps 3 & 4 & Prize Picture to come...See you on facebook or your blog to meet the challenge!
Happy Scrappin'

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