
Join me as I share my love affair with scrapbooking... layouts, cards & projects I have on the go.


Hi There!
I'm so excited about this part of my little girl's life; she's much more talkative, using complete sentences and singing the alphabet as if it's the only song she knows. And this September she's starting school! Yippee!

As a scrapbooker I knew these were the memories to keep so I started early. I bought an adorable album and came up with a 2 page layout that was easy, fit the individual and class photo, and had a pocket for all of those special items that she creates (I'm going to have to make a box for the larger items... :) ) 

Here it is...

I'll be teaching a class in the fall for the Caboto Centre, and if you'd like sign up and come and make one for your little one or your older ones, your grandchildren or your graduates... It's a great way to hold all of those precious school memories. Send me a message if you'd like more info on this class.

Mom Scrap Club...

Who's coming?
Saturday, June 25th, 2011
Wildwood Community Centre
5pm to 11 pm
$5 per person and snack to share

Again, give me a call (996-4960) to reserve your spot!

Happy Scrappin',

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